Who we are.
what we do.
Wavesparks empowers Generation Z founders to build world-changing ventures. We provide top-tier, global startup hub standards, end-to-end accelerator programs—from zero to one startup launch education and mentorship to global networking and funding access —tailored specifically for youth founders and youth-led startups.
We leverage on our founders’, partners’, and mentors’ backgrounds leading global startup and innovation programs at 500 Global, as well as experience in startups, investments, business, and finance to bring Silicon Valley accelerator standards to youth in Asia.
Beyond supporting individual youth, Wavesparks partners with government agencies and ecosystem builders to design and run youth accelerators and bootcamps, sparking vibrant tech startup communities driven by Gen Z innovators.
Our flagship program is the Young Founders Summit, a 6-month startup incubator program for 15-20 year olds across Greater Asia. We also powered the latest two seasons of Youth Action Challenge, a structured six-month programme that gives youths in Singapore the opportunity to act on their passions and co-create an inclusive, sustainable and progressive Singapore.
Our vision: a future shaped by Gen Z’s inclusive, accessible, and sustainable solutions.
Where we are.
Primarily based in Singapore, we have country hubs all across Asia.